We were on YouTube recently watching videos and came across DulceCandy87's video for a DIY nail polish rack and just had to try it! The normal acrylic racks sold online typically only hold somewhere between 60 and 120 and are just WAYYYYY too expensive! We'd seen all of the videos using foam board and that just did not seem sturdy enough. So this was PERFECT for us!
The OPI row of polishes is so pretty :)
How many polishes does this hold?! I have a fairly large collection and want to know if it will fit them all or leave space for more :)
Rebecca- I may be off some, but I counted about 173. :)
Now you need to make another one... looks like you are full LOL. I'm going to figure out how to shrink this... I am sooo not anywhere near this collection!
what material did you use? did you use the same Dulce did?
I counted 158. Haha. This looks awesome ladies! When I saw the video, I wanted to do it right away but I have close to 200 and I get kind of embarrassed by how many I have... I have friends tell me I have a lot of nail polish so I don't know if I want them on display...
Love this idea. Going to make two of these this week! Too many nail polishes not enough room! My husband tells me that he doesn't know anyone that needs 300 nail polishes... well I do! lol
So awesome! I love it!
Bex & Lauren122 Thanks for giving me an approximate! I have 140 (crazy :|) in my collection currently so I am glad to know I will have room for more! Though seeing I have room will probably make me go out to buy more to fill it up :$ .. what can I say, I am addicted!
When my collection gets a little bigger I'm doing this!
I love this!!
Does anyone know if this is standing up on its own, or if its anchored to the wall. I know in Dulce's video it's hanging, but she doesn't explain how she did that part.
we haven't put it on the wall yet. not sure the exact place we want it so we have it leaning against the wall :)
So many pretty colors! If I had the wall space I'd totally make one of these for all my polish :)
Lol i counted 176. :) and this is such a creative idea...i only have about like not even 30... so im not sure i need this quite yet but i will eventually! :D
WOW LOL i counted all your nail polishes and now i forgot exactly how many but you had 175 or something like that wow girls. I never really collected lots of nail polishes b/c mine would always dry before i finishes the whole bottle but lately i have been buying tons of nail polishes and have been collecting them but i really do not want them to dry out. Does yours dry out on you??? You have alot so i want to ask someone who has alot of them and collects them if yours end up drying up on you.
I Really like Dulucecandy87 videos i watched this when she first did this and i have been thinking about making it b/c this is a sturdy one and all the other ones on Youtube were made of foam and stuff. Was it pretty easy to make?
Thanks girlies
nice collection
i need to make one of these. i made a foam board one but like u said it's not very sturdy.
WOW!! cool.
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